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Getting back up is possible.


The man inspired the nation by overcoming incredible odds.

Most of my story has been laid out here in a short amount of time. However, it took me a lifetime to write it. I was 28 years old the morning that my mother killed my stepfather.  but the trauma, the abuse, and the violence took place many years before that. We lived in this very small farm town with a population of 512 people at the time. I was 8 years old in 1981, when it all started. 


For many years secrets were covered up, excuses were made in my family about the hidden violence that took place.  It began as physical child abuse that would lead to outrageous acts of torture and violence toward me as an 8 year old boy.  As I grew into a teenager, I began using drugs and alcohol to cope with the trauma of my younger years.  My drug of choice back then was cocaine.


And now 32 years later, I have the blessed opportunity to share my incredible story with the entire world.  In my new book, (Who Am i), I talk about those hidden secrets and the heartbreaking mistakes that I have made in my life.  It became so inspiring that Hollywood is creating a movie based on my life, called 'Pocket of Hope (The Chad Gaines Story)'.

The Power of Transition

We are all faced with different challenges.  That's part of life.  How we react, learn and overcome these struggles, is what makes it more meaningful.  My life has been tragic yet triumphant in so many ways.  And this is why I want to share how I got through it all.   

Team Gaines' coaching classes offer focuses on personal development, mental health management and business leadership.  I can guide you on how to improve and gain control of your overall well-being.  Together, we can work on building a more positive and brighter future.

My Coaching Services

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Who Am I
Book Trailer


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